Opcom Activate Password Execution

Download Proxy Host Files Bypass icloud Activation LOCK. Unlock Any iDevice HackRecover Any iCloud Account Password in 3 Easy Steps! Our iCloud Activation and Password Recovery service is Fast, Reliable. Download Proxy Host Files Bypass icloud Activation LOCK. Activities after a police officer shot and killed an unarmed. %OPCOM-W-NOOPCOM, the request was not sent, the OPCOM process is not running HALT instruction, PC: 8443B709 (MOVB 400(R1),R0) At this point, the virtual CPU is halted and the simulator is back in control.

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The following example sets the default device and directory to DMA1:[SMITH.COM]:

2.3.7 Setting DCL Verification

Use the SET PROFILE/VERIFY command to turn on DCL verification, which displays DCL command lines and data lines as they execute.

SYSMAN can execute DCL commands using the DO command. By default, SYSMAN DCL verification is turned off.


2.3.8 Executing DCL Commands from SYSMAN

The SYSMAN command DO executes DCL command procedures and SYSMAN command procedures on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. In an OpenVMS Cluster environment or in any environment with multiple nodes, you enter a set of commands once, and SYSMAN executes the commands sequentially on every node in the environment. SYSMAN displays the name of each node as it executes commands, or an error message if the command fails.

If a node does not respond within a given timeout period, SYSMAN displays a message before proceeding to the next node in the environment. You can specify a timeout period with the SET TIMEOUT command.

Each DO command executes as an independent subprocess, so no process context is retained between DO commands. For this reason, you must express all DCL commands in a single command string, and you cannot run a procedure that requires input.

In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, SYSMAN executes DO commands sequentially on all nodes in the cluster. After a command completes or times out on one node, SYSMAN sends it to the next node in the environment. Any node that is unable to execute a command returns an error message.

For more information about using the DO command to manage an OpenVMS Cluster system, see Section 20.6. You can also refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for a complete description of the SYSMAN command DO.


In the following example, SYSMAN runs the INSTALL utility and makes a file known on all nodes in the cluster when you enter the commands from the local node:

2.3.9 Creating SYSMAN Command Procedures


The SYSMAN execute procedure (@) command executes SYSMAN command procedures on each node in the environment.


The following example creates and executes a SYSMAN command procedure to display the current date and system time for each OpenVMS Cluster node:

2.3.10 Setting Up SYSMAN with an Initialization File

You can create an initialization file that is used each time you invoke SYSMAN. In the initialization file, you can perform tasks such as defining keys and setting up your environment.

The default file specification for the SYSMAN initialization file is SYS$LOGIN:SYSMANINI.INI. If you want your SYSMAN initialization file to have a different file specification, you must define the logical name SYSMANINI to point to the location of the file.The following is a sample initialization file that defines several keys:

The operator communication manager (OPCOM) is a tool for communicating with users and operators on the system. OPCOM allows you to perform the following functions:Function
For More Information
To broadcast messages to users who are logged in Section 2.4.3
To control the use of OPA0: as an operator terminal Section 2.4.4
To designate terminals as operator terminals, enabling them to display messages broadcast by OPCOM Section 2.4.5
To record messages broadcast by OPCOM in a log file Section 18.6.3
To send requests to an operator¹ Section 2.4.6
To reply to operator requests¹ Section 2.4.7
¹These functions are used in sites where operators are assigned to help users mount disk or tape volumes and printer forms.

2.4.1 Understanding OPCOM

Figure 2-3 illustrates the function of OPCOM.

Figure 2-3 Operator Communication Manager (OPCOM)

OPCOM Components

OPCOM uses the following components:Component
Description For More Information
OPCOM process The system process that manages OPCOM operations. Unless you disable it, the OPCOM process starts automatically at system startup time. Section 2.4.2
Operator terminals Terminals designated to display messages broadcast by OPCOM. Usually, the console terminal (with the device name OPA0:) is the operator terminal. However, you can designate any user terminal as an operator terminal. Section 2.4.5
Operator log file A file that records messages broadcast by OPCOM. The file is named SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG. Section 18.6.1
OPCOM messages Messages broadcast by OPCOM. These messages are displayed on operator terminals and written to the operator log file. The messages might be general messages sent by you, user requests, operator replies, or system events. Section 18.6.2
REPLY and REQUEST commands DCL commands that allow you to use and control OPCOM. Section 2.4.3,
Section 2.4.6, and
Section 2.4.7

OPCOM Defaults

OPCOM uses the following defaults:

  • OPCOM is started by default on all systems.
  • Except for workstations in an OpenVMS Cluster environment, OPCOM logs messages to OPA0:, which is enabled by default as an operator terminal. The log file SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG is opened, and all OPCOM classes are enabled on both the operator terminal and the log file.
    Section 2.4.4 explains how to control the use of OPA0: as an operator terminal. Section explains how to specify the default state of operator log files.

OPCOM Requirements

OPCOM has the following requirements:

  • To execute a REPLY command, OPCOM must be running, and you must enter REPLY from a terminal device designated as an operator terminal.
  • The REPLY command requires at least OPER privilege. You must have SHARE privilege if another process is logged in to the designated operator terminal. To enable or disable the security class, you must have SECURITY privilege.
  • To designate an operator terminal in batch or SYSTARTUP, you must assign SYS$COMMAND to a valid terminal device.

2.4.2 Starting OPCOM

The OPCOM process starts automatically during system startup, unless it is disabled. You might need to start OPCOM interactively if a software problem causes the process to fail and prevents OPCOM from restarting automatically.

To start OPCOM, enter the following command from the system manager's account (SYSTEM):

If a software problem causes OPCOM to fail, contact your Digital support representative. Be sure to keep the process dump file named SYS$SYSTEM:OPCOM.DMP. (When OPCOM fails, it creates this file.)

2.4.3 Sending Messages to Users

To broadcast a message to users, enter the DCL command REPLY as follows:

For example:

Use the following qualifiers to control OPCOM messages:Qualifier
/ALL Broadcasts a message to all terminals that are attached to the system or cluster. These terminals must be turned on and have broadcast-message reception enabled.
/BELL Rings a bell at the terminal receiving a message when entered with the /ALL, /TERMINAL, or /USERNAME qualifier; two bells when entered with the /URGENT qualifier; and three bells when entered with the /SHUTDOWN qualifier.
/NODE[=( node-name[,...]) Broadcasts a message to the local cluster node only, or to a node or nodes you specify.
/SHUTDOWN Sends a message beginning 'SHUTDOWN...'; if used with the /BELL qualifier, rings three bells at terminals receiving the message.
/TERMINAL=( terminal-name[,..]) Broadcasts the message to the specified terminals.
/URGENT Broadcasts a message beginning 'URGENT...'; if used with the /BELL qualifier, rings two bells at terminals receiving the message.
/USERNAME=( username[,...]) Broadcasts a message to all terminals at which users are logged in to the system (or cluster), or only to the terminals of the specified users.

For more information, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.


The REPLY command in the following example sends a message to all users logged in to node WLDWND. When the message is displayed, a bell rings at the terminal.

The REPLY command in the following example sends a message to the user logged in at terminal TTC1. When the message is displayed, a bell rings at that terminal.

2.4.4 Controlling the Use of OPA0: as an Operator Terminal

You can control the use of OPA0: as an operator terminal, whether or not the node is part of an OpenVMS Cluster system, by defining the following logicals in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM:Logical Name
OPC$OPA0_ENABLE Defined as True or False; if True, specifies that OPA0: is to be enabled as an operator terminal.
OPC$OPA0_CLASSES Specifies the operator classes that are enabled for OPA0. The logical name can be a search list of the allowed classes, a comma-separated list, or a combination of the two.

The logicals take effect the next time you boot the system.

2.4.5 Designating Operator Terminals

Normally, the console terminal (with the device name OPA0:) is automatically an operator terminal except for workstations in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. However, you can designate any terminal as an operator terminal. You can also disable a previously designated operator terminal.

Enabling Operator Terminals

To designate a terminal as an operator terminal, enter the REPLY/ENABLE command at the terminal. For example:

To designate an operator's terminal in batch or in startup command procedures, SYS$COMMAND must be assigned to a valid terminal device.

If your facility is large, there may be several operators, each of whom is assigned to specific tasks. If this is the case, you can specify the classes of messages the operator terminal receives and responds to when you enable the operator terminal, as follows:

The following table describes each keyword:Keyword
CARDS Displays messages sent to the card readers.
CENTRAL Displays messages sent to the central system operator.
CLUSTER Displays messages from the connection manager pertaining to OpenVMS Cluster system state changes.
DEVICES Displays messages pertaining to mounting disks.
DISKS Displays messages pertaining to mounting and dismounting disk volumes.
LICENSE Displays messages pertaining to software licenses.
NETWORK Displays messages pertaining to networks; the keyword CENTRAL must also be specified to inhibit network messages.
OPER1 to OPER12 Displays messages sent to operators identified as OPER1 to OPER12.
PRINTER Displays messages pertaining to print requests.
SECURITY Allows messages pertaining to security events; requires SECURITY privilege.
TAPES Allows messages pertaining to mounting and dismounting tape volumes.

For example:

Disabling Operator Terminals

A terminal that you designate as an operator's terminal remains enabled even when the operator logs out. To return the terminal to normal (nonoperator) status, enter the REPLY/DISABLE command from the terminal.


The following example designates terminal TTA3 as an operator terminal, enabling it to receive messages concerning printers, magnetic tapes and disks, and messages intended for the central operator. Later, it relinquishes terminal TTA3's ability to receive messages concerning tapes. The terminal still receives and can respond to messages about disks and printers and messages directed to CENTRAL.

2.4.6 Sending Requests to an Operator

In sites where operators are assigned to assist users by mounting volumes and changing printer forms, users can communicate with operators by entering the DCL command REQUEST and the following qualifiers:Qualifier
/REPLY Sends a request and requests a reply to the message. Requests sent with this command are issued a unique identification number to which the operator sends the response. The user cannot enter any commands until the operator responds.
/TO=( operator[,...]) If your facility is large, there may be several operators, each of whom has specific tasks. The /TO qualifier lets users send requests to a specific operator. Options are as follows: CARDS, CENTRAL, CLUSTER, DEVICES, DISKS, NETWORK, OPER1 to OPER12, PRINTER, SECURITY, TAPES.

The DCL commands MOUNT/ASSIST and BACKUP/ASSIST also request operator assistance. For more information, see the following sections:

  • For MOUNT requests, see Section 8.5.3.
  • For BACKUP requests, see Section 10.9.1.


An operator is monitoring an operator terminal enabled for the PRINTER class. The following PRINT command submits an output job that requires a special print form (/FORM=LETTER). The REQUEST command sends a message to the operator. After completing the request, the operator would send a reply, as explained in Section 2.4.7.

2.4.7 Replying to Operator Requests

In sites where operators are assigned to assist users by mounting volumes and changing printer stock, operators can reply to user requests using the DCL command REPLY and the following qualifiers:Qualifier
/ABORT= identification-number Replies to the request specified by the identification number and cancels the request.
/PENDING= identification-number Replies to the request specified by the identification number and prevents the user from entering other commands until the operator fulfills or aborts the request. The current terminal must be enabled as an operator terminal.
/STATUS Reports which classes are enabled, and all outstanding user requests for the terminal from which this command was entered. The current terminal must be enabled as an operator terminal.
/TO= identification-number Replies to the request specified by the identification number and completes the request. The current terminal must be enabled as an operator terminal.

Note that you can also use a variation of the REPLY/TO command in response to a MOUNT/ASSIST and BACKUP/ASSIST commands. For more information, see Section 8.5.3 and Section 10.9.1.

An operator working with magnetic tapes would also use additional REPLY qualifiers specific to magnetic tape operations. For more information, see Section For detailed information on the REPLY command and its qualifiers, see the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.


In the following example, the REPLY/TO command replies to operator request number 5, issued by user ROBINSON. The MOUNT device is switched to DUA4, and the user is notified.

On VAX systems, the command procedure SYS$UPDATE:VMSKITBLD.COM allows you to duplicate system files from an existing system disk on another disk.

On Alpha systems, procedures similar to those in the VMSKITBLD.COM procedure are performed by the AXPVMS$PCSI_INSTALL.COM procedure. See Section 3.1.2 and also the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1 Upgrade and Installation Manual.

The SYS$UPDATE:VMSKITBLD.COM procedure offers the following options:Option
Description For More Information
BUILD Builds a new common system disk after destroying all existing files on the disk. Section 2.5.1
COPY Copies the operating system files to an existing disk without destroying nonsystem files that are currently on the disk. Section 2.5.2
ADD Adds a new system root directory to an existing system disk. Section 2.5.3
VMSKITBLD uses two disks:Disk
Source disk The disk from which you copy system files. The source disk must be an existing system disk.
Target disk The disk to which you move the system files.


Do not attempt to use VMSKITBLD with the current system disk as the target disk. VMSKITBLD.COM deletes files that are required for a running system.

2.5.1 Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Build a New System Disk

At some point, you might want to create a new system disk. For example, suppose that your existing system disk is an RA81 disk. If you purchase a larger RA90 disk and want to use it as your system disk, you could use the VMSKITBLD BUILD option to build a new system disk on the RA90 disk.

The existing system disk is the source disk. The new disk is the target disk.


The VMSKITBLD BUILD option initializes the target disk, deleting all of its previous contents. For information on copying files to an existing system disk without destroying files, see Section 2.5.2.

If you want to build your operating system on another disk and you are not concerned about losing the current contents of the target disk, use the BUILD option as described in the following procedure.

How to Perform This Task

  1. If the source disk is not the current booted system disk, boot the operating system from the source disk.
  2. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  3. Make sure the disk is spun up and on line. If you are using a removable disk, you must also place the disk into the appropriate drive.
  4. Enter the following command to invoke VMSKITBLD:VMSKITBLD prompts you to choose one of the following options:
  5. Enter BUILD and press Return. VMSKITBLD displays messages that either prompt you for information needed to complete the operation or inform you of the procedure's status.
    1. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the source disk:
    2. In response to the following prompt, enter the top-level system directory for the source disk:
      In most cases, you can choose the default value [SYS0].
    3. In response to the following prompt, enter the name of the target disk:
    4. In response to the following prompt, enter the volume label of the target disk:
    5. In response to the following prompt, enter the top-level system directory:
      In most cases, you can choose the default value [SYS0].
    6. The procedure displays the following message to warn you that the target disk will be initialized and to allow you to stop the procedure:
      Make sure it is safe to destroy the contents of the target disk, and enter Y to continue.

    When the system displays the dollar sign ($) prompt, the system disk is built. VMSKITBLD automatically dismounts the target disk. At this point, the target disk contains all the operating system files required for a complete system.
  6. Complete the system disk by creating a rights database and network proxy database and configuring the system with appropriate system parameters. For instructions, see Section
  7. To use the new system disk, reboot the system with the new system disk.


The following example runs VMSKITBLD.COM to build a new system disk. It copies the files on the current system disk to create a new system disk on the DUA0: disk. Completing a System Disk Built with VMSKITBLD.COM

After you create a new system disk using the VMSKITBLD BUILD option, use the following procedure to complete the new system disk:

  1. Boot the new system disk using a conversational boot. For instructions, see the upgrade and installation supplement for your computer.
  2. When the SYSBOOT> prompt appears, enter the USE DEFAULT command to boot with default values for all system parameters.
  3. Enter the CONTINUE command to continue booting.
  4. After the system boots, log in to the SYSTEM account. The password for the system account will be the default password, MANAGER. Make sure you change this password.
  5. Use the Authorize utility to create a rights database and a network proxy database. For more information, see the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
  6. Run AUTOGEN from the SAVPARAMS phase to set appropriate values for system parameters. Be sure to specify the CHECK_FEEDBACK option. See Section 14.5 and the AUTOGEN section of the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for detailed information on running AUTOGEN.
    To reboot from the former system disk, specify REBOOT as the end phase when invoking AUTOGEN.
    To reboot the system from the new system disk, specify SHUTDOWN as the end phase and reboot manually, specifying the new system disk.


2.5.2 Using VMSKITBLD.COM to Copy System Files to an Existing Disk

You can use VMSKITBLD to copy the operating system files to a target disk without deleting the files already existing on the target disk. For example, if you accidentally delete a large number of system files from a system disk, you can use VMSKITBLD to copy the system files from another system disk.

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Enne ostu oleks soovitav autot kohapeal vaadata! Hiliseimaid pretensioone ei rahulda.

Thank you for showing interest in our Learning Academy. Kids `R` Kids is a locally owned and operated franchise. Eric and Kara Kallevig started investigating the Kids R Kids Learning Academies franchise opportunity in 2001 where they were first impressed with the company`s mission statement of 'Hugged First, Then Taught.' The relationship building foundation of Kids R Kids dovetailed with the Kallevig`s personal philosophy of positive family-oriented involvement with their three school-age children.

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'Our decision to open a highly accredited childcare school in Overland Park was based on the franchise`s excellent program, curriculum and core values.' The Kallevigs opened the 15,000 square-feet state-of-the-art Kids R Kids facility in September of 2008 to parental acclaim. The school offers a secure, nurturing and educational environment for infants to 12-year old children with an emphasis on developmentally appropriate curriculum that challenges each age group to reach its full potential as it moves forward. The 11 classrooms have tempered glass walls to ensure maximum visibility and safety, in addition to promoting an open, bright and clean atmosphere.

Parents can also enjoy peace of mind while away from their children by watching secure live streaming internet from anywhere they are. Parents may also choose to include relatives near and far to take part in this so that precious moments can be shared by all. The all-inclusive tuition at Kids R Kids features the Kids Cafe-an actual lunchroom where the children eat healthy and nutritious snacks and homemade meals. It also includes the enrichment programs that are offered (Sign Language, Foreign Language, Computer, Music and Motion, Stretch and Grow). 'No child should be left out of these activities due to an additional fee.'

The Kallevigs emphasize this is another way to consider a child`s entire well-being. Kara and Eric believe that happy, loved and connected children are destined for success in every facet of their lives. 'We work hard at Kids R Kids to first build a solid base of trust with both the parents and the children.' The Kallevigs along with their Director, Julie Hendrickson, invite you to stop by for a tour between 6:30 a.m. And 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

*(See this full story and interview in the August 2009 435 South Magazine) Our sincere love for children and strong belief that they should have a solid foundation, in combination with Kids `R` Kids, the absolute leader in its industry, make the perfect choice for your family`s childcare needs. At Kids `R` Kids we share a common desire with parents, which is to provide the absolute best for the children. Our high quality teachers, creative and fun educational programs and of course our state of the art facility make us stand high above our competitors. Please read through our information, if you have any additional questions feel free to contact us. We love children and are dedicated to making our school a great success.

Our door is always open for parents to come and discuss their needs, ask questions, give suggestions and comments. We encourage you to come take a tour and meet the staff.

We are confident that you will agree with us that this is the best environment for your child! We look forward to meeting you soon. Thank you again. What are your hours of operation?

6:30 am - 6:30 pm Monday through Friday. What age children do you accept?

Children beginning with ages 6 weeks through 12 years. Is transportation provided to local schools? Yes, our centers have school buses with seat belts to transport children to and from school in the morning and afternoon. Are field trips offered for the children?

Yes, our buses are available for area field trips. We transport children who meet the State’s age requirements. These children are given opportunities to see their community and other places of interest year-round. Whether it is the local grocery store, the petting zoo, the library, and entertainment places such as roller skating, bowling or putt-putt golf, we provide fun and learning for the children and guarantee the maximum protection plan for parent’s peace of mind.

Is playtime/outdoor time available? Yes, our school is equipped with four areas of outside play. The children have scheduled times in the morning and the afternoon to explore their outside world. As an added safety feature, our schools have six to nine foot fencing around the outside perimeter of the play areas. The play equipment is state-of-the-art and Kids Kids ´R´ Kids abides by the Federal regulations on safety equipment and their surrounding fall zones. Are meals and snacks provided?

Yes, we serve hot meals and nutritional snacks prepared by our fullitime Kids Cafe` Chef. Our location is equipped with a full-service kitchen and staff trained in nutrition, USDA guidelines, and proper portions for young children.

Is your staff trained? Yes, the Kids ´R´ Kids faculty are required to follow their state regulations that apply to training. All staff are trained in First Aid/CPR, Infectious Disease Control, Injury Prevention, and Child Abuse Awareness. Additional training in curriculum, child development, classroom arrangement, classroom management, age appropriate activities, nutrition, field trip planning and OSHA regulations provide the skills needed to create a quality learning environment. The staff is encouraged to further their education through CDA and CCP programs and are given opportunities to attend professional training conferences. Is there internet viewing of my child at your center?

Yes, our internet viewing system can connect parents and family members to their child while at work or thousands of miles away. Through a secured internet site and unique password you can observe your child´s daily activities through your computer.

The same cameras are fed to the front desk for additional monitoring by administrative staff. How can I get more information about enrolling my child? We are glad you are interested in finding out more about our schools. Please use the to provide us with your name, address and phone number. We will gladly call or mail any information requested. Also, we welcome any family to stop in for a personal tour. We look forward to meeting with you!

Thank you for your time and for visiting our website. Kids ´R´ Kids is open to you, the parent, any time your child is present in the school. For the safety of all children, we do request that you make your presence known to the person in charge, and cooperate in not disrupting the Center´s program. Parents are encouraged to eat breakfast or lunch with their child(ren) at their Center. (See Director for details.) Children Served Kids ´R´ Kids Learning Academies are open to children ages 6 weeks to 12 years old without discrimination on the basis of political affiliation, religion, race, color, sex, mental or physical disabilities. Hours of Operation Hours of operation for Kids ´R´ Kids Learning Academies are Monday through Friday from 6:30 am - 6:30 pm, 12 months a year.

(Hours may vary per Center.) Standard Holidays observed by Kids ´R´ Kids Learning Academies are: (Holidays may vary per Center.) New Year´s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday After Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Friday After Christmas (if Christmas falls on a Thursday) Kids ´R´ Kids Centers are licensed for specific hours of operation, early arrival and late pick-up cannot be allowed. If children are left at the Center after closing time and no word is received from the parent(s), or an emergency contact cannot be reached, authorities will be contacted. After the Center´s licensed closing time, the Center may charge a late pick up fee. (Fees vary per Center.) Forms Upon enrollment, your child(ren) will need all state, county and Kids ´R´ Kids forms completed in a timely manner. Insidious 2 Brrip 720p Torrent Download. All forms necessary will be provided by your Center.

Information on forms regarding your child(ren) or specific Center forms must be updated as needed. Nutrition Breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon snacks are available at Kids ´R´ Kids Centers. Information will be provided by the Center on any charges that may apply. The Center will also provide information on the schedule meals and snacks are served. For bottle-fed children, parents must provide prepared formula, placed in bottles. The Center will inform you of their policy regarding baby foods. All infant items should be marked with the child´s first and last name.

Weekly menus for children on table food are available for review. Please see the Director for information regarding special diets and allergies. Fees A tuition and fee schedule will be provided by your Kids ´R´ Kids Center. You will be informed of all rates, discounts, late fees, breakfast charges, activity fees, registration fees, check return fees, and any Center specific fees.

(Fees may vary per Center.) The tuition and fee schedule will also provide you with information as to when payment is due, and any late charges to be applied. Also included on the tuition and fee schedule will be the Center Policy on Attendance explaining the number of days that require full tuition, half tuition, and vacation days allowed.

(Policy may vary per Center.) Medication All prescribed medication must be left at the front desk with the person in charge. A medication form must be filled out completely and signed by the parent or guardian before any medication can be given.

Medications must be in the original container and labeled as follows: child´s name; current date; dosage; times to be given, expiration date; and any other special instructions. Any non-prescription medication must have a signed, dated note from the child´s doctor stating the name of the child to receive the medication, name of the medication, amount to be given; times to be given; length of time to be given and any other special instructions.

Medications will only be dispensed by the person or persons designated by the Franchisee or Director of the Center. (Your director will inform you of any Center specific policies that cover medications.) Medical Emergency If a child becomes ill, injured, or has an adverse reaction to prescribed medication while at the Center, the parent(s) or emergency contact person will be notified immediately. If it is necessary to seek immediate medical attention for a child, the child will be transported to the designated medical facility. * The child´s vehicle and emergency medical permission forms, as well as the health information file, will accompany the child. In the event of an occurrence of a communicable disease as outlined by the Department of Health, written notification will be posted on the classroom door within 24 hours or the next business day. *(The designated medical facility will be listed on all emergency, transportation, and enrollment forms.) Transportation (To and From Public School) Transportation is provided to and from public or private elementary or grade schools designated by the Center.

Transportation Agreements are signed once for each school year. Vehicle Emergency Forms must be completed and information kept up to date. The Center will inform you of the time your child must be at the Center for transportation to their elementary or grade school. If your child will not be transported by the Center to school, or will not be picked up by the Center from school at the end of the school day, you must notify the Center in advance.

The Center will inform you of the time by which you must make this notification. Transportation (Field Trips) Field Trip Permission Forms must be signed and dated for each field trip. Vehicle Emergency Forms must be completed and information kept up to date. Children going on field trips must wear a Kids ´R´ Kids t-shirt. An identification bracelet will be provided by the Center for each child. Internet Access Internet access to your child´s classroom is by password only. By enrolling your child at Kids ´R´ Kids you consent that your child(ren) may also be seen on the Internet by other persons viewing with passwords.

If Internet Access is available at your Center, you will be given information upon enrollment. Severe Weather, Fire or Emergency Situations If an emergency situation develops such as severe weather, fire, physical damage to the building, or any other situation that poses a threat, the safety of the children is our first concern. The Center is equipped with a weather band radio, a fire alarm sprinkler system and fire extinguishers. Fire and severe weather drills are conducted according to state and county regulations or every 30 days. If there is an emergency situation and it becomes necessary to close the Center, parents will be notified to make arrangements for early pickup. If there is inclement weather and it is determined that the Center will not open, parents will be instructed by the Center as to TV or radio stations providing closing information.

If an emergency situation develops and it is determined that the building or premises are unsafe, your child(ren) will be transported to a safe location. Parents will be notified of the situation and you will be required to pickup your child(ren) as soon as possible. Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco In our effort to provide a safe, healthy environment for each child to grow and develop, we maintain a Center free of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco use. The use or presence of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco is prohibited in the building or anywhere on the grounds by Center staff, parents, or anyone visiting the Center. The use or presence of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco is prohibited during any outing or field trip, as well as, on any vehicle used by the Center to transport your child(ren). Discipline At Kids ´R´ Kids Learning Academies we use a method of ´redirection´ to guide your child(ren) toward appropriate behavior.

If a child is engaged in behavior not conducive to a safe and happy learning environment, the teacher will ´redirect´ the child toward appropriate behavior. (The use of physical punishment or harsh language is prohibited.) Parents or guardians are required to abide by the Kids ´R´ Kids Discipline Policy any time they are on Center property. Dismissal Policy The staff will work with each child to fulfill the needs of that child, and every effort will be made to provide a positive learning experience. Special needs will be accommodated when possible. Kids ´R´ Kids Learning Academies reserves the right to ask parents to make alternative arrangements for care if it is determined that a child´s needs cannot be met, or the child has not adjusted to group care provided by the Center.

In the event behavior becomes disruptive to the program or becomes a problem that poses an unsafe situation for the child or other children in the class, alternative arrangements will be required. If you, as a parent, are uncooperative in completing and returning forms, fail to pay your tuition on time, fail to follow any state or county regulations, or fail to follow any Kids ´R´ Kids Policy or Procedure, it may be necessary to dismiss your child(ren) from the Center. The Parent`s Role The relationship between parents and Center staff is vital to the success of a child´s experience.

A partnership must be formed the first day, with open communication and understanding that the development and growth of the child is our top priority. Parents can assist and help ensure a smooth transition by doing the following: Sign children in and out at the front desk and then escort them to their designated class Have all forms completed promptly Update forms, as needed, when changes occur (i.e. We are extremely proud of our excellent staff of teachers and directors! Our staff is part of the consistent care provided by Kids 'R' Kids. All Kids 'R' Kids faculty & personnel are required to follow state regulations that apply to training.

Our staff is trained in First Aid/CPR, Infectious Disease Control, Injury Prevention, and Child Abuse Awareness. Additional training in curriculum, child development, classroom arrangement, classroom management, age appropriate activities, nutrition, field trip planning and OSHA regulations are also provided to the staff so they are equipped with the skills needed to create a quality learning environment. Our lead teachers on our Preschool side are college degreed with Bachelor of Arts in Education. The staff is encouraged to further their education through CDA and CCP programs and are given opportunities to attend professional training conferences.

Give your child the gift of learning with Kids 'R' Kids... The heart of our curriculum is love. Love, along with a deep understanding of the individual educational and emotional needs of each child, sets the Kids 'R' Kids Curriculum apart. The Kids 'R' Kids Curriculum Experience Our unique curriculum sets Kids 'R' Kids Schools apart from other centers and early childcare educators.

Our full-time Curriculum Department at Kids 'R' Kids Corporate Headquarters. Boasts over 150 years experience in classroom instruction, administrative assignments, and curriculum development. This impressive roster of educational credentials, oversees every aspect of designing the most effective learning program possible. For a truly tailored approach to early childhood education, these highly qualified educators are always expanding our curriculum, which is unique and exclusive to Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academies. As demonstrated by the renowned psychologist, Jean Piaget, children learn best through play, so we've developed hands-on learning experiences for all levels of learners. Our curriculum meets the standards for NAEYC, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, while remaining fun and flexible for every child. Educational Excellence at Every Age As your child continues to grow, our curriculum grows with them.

At every stage of your child's journey, Kids 'R' Kids develops new and challenging ways to open their minds and expand their imaginations. Our foundation of love and trust is accompanied every step of the way by our teachers, parents and your child`s peers. Throughout each age group, your child will discover the joy and excitement of learning science, math, language, literature, drama, music and art. Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academies present a variety of educational exercises and theme-based units for every age group. Children are grouped into developmentally appropriate classrooms: - Six weeks through 24 Months - The youngest learners at Kids 'R' Kids are well on their way to a lifetime of learning with our Infant-Toddler Program. Infants, as young as six weeks old, are immersed with stimulating, hands-on play.

Kids 'R' Kids is a safe place filled with love, growth, and discovery. Each activity is designed to assist your child in achieving those important developmental milestones, while having fun at the same time. - 2 through 5 year olds - The daily adventures continue into preschool, and with them come the stepping stones for a lifetime of learning. Our goal is to help equip your child for the challenges ahead. Supporting each child during this time in her life helps to instill a sense of confidence and accomplishment while basking in her daily successes.

- 5 through 12 year olds - Our School Age Curriculum is challenging and fun, a combination we are very proud to share. Your child's day is surrounded by age-appropriate activities geared to challenge the pre-adolescent mind while building confidence and security. Our child-directed activities allow individuals and small groups to work independently while the staff mentor and monitor their progress.

Our Brain Waves™ Exclusive Curriculum The first five years of your child’s life is a critical time when their brain is developing and brain cells are forming connections for learning and future success in school. During these early years, the experiences and interactions your child has will determine which brain cells are activated and which ones are pruned away from lack of stimulation. Your child’s learning environment has tremendous impact on brain development.

At Kids ‘R’ Kids, we use strategies from our Brain Waves™ curriculum to support neural pathways for language, social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development during these critical years. Ten Important Brain Facts Parents Should Know 1. The first brain cell is born two days after conception and two weeks after conception it is expanding at 500,000 cells a minute. At birth the brain will have 100 billion neurons, only 17% are activated. The brain activates from the bottom to the top and from the back to the front. Each brain cell has a short and finite time frame in which it can be activated.

If the individual cell does not get activated within that time frame, it dies and will never be replaced. 80 billion of the 100 billion total cells are activated or die before the child reaches their 6th birthday. Each activated brain cell can maintain between 10,000 and 15,000 synapses or connections to other brain cells. Each cell we activate creates a huge multiplier effect on the future success of the child. The brain produces 800 neurological connections for every second it is properly stimulated. Repetition is key to brain development.

The more times a child hears a correct answer the stronger the neural pathway. Social and emotional pathways are cemented after a single occurrence while things such as colors, shapes, letters and numbers require hundreds of repetitions to create the link.

Newly formed synapses are very fragile. They get cemented during sleep.

Enough sleep is absolutely critical for proper brain development. Our BrainWaves Curriculum begins with activities specifically created to stimulate and activate brain cells in all four separate regions or lobes of the brain. These activities have been designed for infants, toddlers and pre schoolers. Our curriculum provides for the perfect mix of interactive play and materials to stimulate development through repetition and by utilizing all five senses.

Birth through age five is the most important time in your child's life for brain development. That development will be maximized through the activities we have developed in our cutting edge Brain Waves Curriculum. Brain Development the Kids ‘R’ Kids Way Our philosophy is “Hug First, Then Teach” as we understand that secure and safe emotional attachment is vital for the growth and development of your child’s brain.

Our classrooms are filled with stimulating materials that allow teachers to facilitate children’s exploration through sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch as these sensory experiences send information directly to the brain and form the platform for healthy brain growth. We understand that each child is unique, so our teachers cater to different interests and learning styles. From infancy, your child will be exposed to many forms of language (including sign-language), and immersed in an environment rich in language and literacy. Our learning stations are filled with math manipulatives, science elements, and stimulating visuals that support brain pathways for cognitive development.

Problem solving is considered one of the best ways to support brain development, so our teachers conduct activities to help children explore cause and effect and employ questioning strategies that promote higher level thinking. Technology and the Brain Technology is everywhere, so children need healthy exposure to be prepared for life in the 21st century. Research shows, however, that hours of exposure to digital technology can lead to over stimulation of the brain, fatigue, and irritability. At Kids ‘R’ Kids, we take a balanced approach to technology.

Our curriculum has been integrated with ABCmouse, one of the latest early childhood technology tools, to enhance learning. With the guidance of a teacher, children engage in digital activities that build language, math, science, and fine motor skills. Maximizing your Child’s Mental Capacity We believe in a nurturing learning environment, hands-on play, and novel experiences that ignite your child’s curiosity. With our exclusive Brain Waves™ curriculum and quality teachers, our goal is to provide stimulating experiences that support brain development and maximize your child’s mental capacity.

In keeping with our mission of being The First Step to Higher Education® and our all-important role of fostering 21st century learners, Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academies is proud to introduce STEAM AHEAD. Armed with the knowledge that the fields of science, technology and engineering are expected to grow by leaps and bounds over the course of the coming years, we have developed an exciting new supplementary curriculum.

STEAM AHEAD combines elements of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics to expand the way our students not only learn, but also how they think about the world around them. When used in conjunction with a strong foundation from Kids 'R' Kids proprietary First Class Curriculum® and the brain development power of our exclusive Brain Waves™ curriculum, there are no limits to the possibilities our students' futures might hold. Imagine a little girl who not only dreams of being a princess, but also wants to devise the design of her castle. Or a little boy who hopes to become a race car driver on a futuristic race track of his own imagining. Children will always have dreams and imaginations, and programs like STEAM AHEAD tap into those amazing little minds of theirs to make the regular use of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics seem virtually secondary nature.

STEAM AHEAD is another powerful example of how Kids 'R' Kids Learning Academies prepare our students for Kindergarten and beyond. What is STEAM AHEAD? • Kids 'R' Kids STEAM AHEAD is an integrated project-based curriculum incorporating more science, technology, engineering, art, and math into students' everyday learning through play. • Written for preschool students ages three to five, STEAM AHEAD is designed to be used as a supplement to the Kids 'R' Kids core curriculum. • STEAM AHEAD provides students with opportunities to be innovative, creative, and inventive as they build strong foundations in five core areas of their education. • STEAM AHEAD activities and projects are hands-on and bring together many facets of what students find interesting in a way that packs educational “AH HA” moments.

Why STEAM AHEAD? • Much the way Kids 'R' Kids station activities act as platforms for hands-on exploration opportunities, Kids 'R' Kids STEAM AHEAD allows students to learn by doing while developing problem solving and critical thinking skills.


• Unlike academic learning of memorization with no logical or practical application, Kids 'R' Kids STEAM AHEAD projects encourage students to be natural scientists using reasoning, hypothesizing, predicting, and theorizing during the natural trial and error of play. • STEAM AHEAD activities enrich students everyday learning, support academic growth, and help inspire them to become lifelong learners. The Teacher's Role as Facilitator: • Teachers create high quality learning environments that provide students with opportunities to observe, question, investigate, predict, experiment, build, and share what they learn.

• Students and teachers explore STEAM AHEAD projects together. To tap into each student natural interests while facilitating learning, project materials are placed in learning stations for independent and small group exploration. • Teachers serve as guides while students participate in STEAM AHEAD projects, making observations of each student's development, and interests all along the way. • In an effort to develop students as students engage in STEAM AHEAD projects teachers encourage them to ask, Why? • Teachers may choose a combination of some or all of the STEAM AHEAD projects to present depending upon their students levels of ability, interest, and development. Call us today or drop in for a tour to learn more about STEAM AHEAD Curriculum and the other advantages of Kids 'R' Kids!

The youngest learners at Kids 'R' Kids are well on their way to a lifetime of learning with our Infant-Toddler Program. Infants as young as six weeks old are involveded with stimulating, hands-on play. Kids 'R' Kids is a place for love, growth, and discovery. Each activity is designed to assist your child achieve developmental milestones while he has fun at the same time. Kids 'R' Kids knows the importance of nurturing when it comes to babies. Providing plenty of hugs, love, and personal attention is something we include throughout our Infant-Toddler Program. Your baby will enjoy singing, giggling, reading, cuddling and, of course, Tummy Time in our safe, secure, state-of-the-art facility.

Our Kids 'R' Kids Infant-Toddler Program includes: • a comforting place that focuses on love and trust • sign language techniques to maximize communication skills • daily exercises and activities designed to coincide with physical development • daily reports and weekly lesson plans to keep you informed of your child's development. Adventure and Growth Learning centers, with educational and developmentally appropriate toys designed for learning, create a bright and exciting environment for your child. Expanding the imagination and strengthening the muscles has never been more fun! Weekly lesson plans provide activities designed to develop skills necessary to accomplish developmental milestones. Our extensive Infant-Toddler Sign Language Program, which is known to eliminate frustration for children who have yet to form their verbal vocabulary, introduces age appropriate language skills for non-verbal communication.

The Infant Program There are four essential components to our Infant program: • language development • physical development • cognitive development • social and emotional development Kids 'R' Kids believes in balancing fun with fitness and learning with laughter. Communicating, crawling, creating and exploring underscore the meaning behind developing the whole child. Love and Laughs At this tender age, there's no such thing as too much love, too many hugs, or too many giggles. As babies grow into toddlers, it's imperative to create strong bonds with families and caregivers. At Kids 'R' Kids, you know your child is being loved, hugged and nurtured from the very beginning and as she continues to develop. That's the Kids 'R' Kids difference! Toddlers are always on the move, excited and able to explore the world around them!

Kids 'R' Kids understands the curiosity and readiness of toddlers and creates a challenging and kid-paced day to fulfill these needs. Our Kids 'R' Kids Infant-Toddler Program grows along with your child, building on previous knowledge, and new challenges. PROGRAM DISCOUNT NOW AVAILABLE!!!

ENROLL TODAY!!! The daily adventures continue into preschool, and with them come the steppingstones for a lifetime of learning with our Kids 'R' Kids Preschool Curriculum. Our goal is to help equip your child for the challenges ahead. Supporting each child during this time in her life helps to instill a sense of confidence and accomplishment while she basks in her daily successes. Preschoolers are continuing their learning adventure with a desire to do things on their own and make new discoveries.

That's why we've designed our Preschool Program to fulfill the preschool mind. Our standards-based Preschool Curriculum is divided into weekly, theme-based units. We introduce Words of the Week to strengthen and increase vocabularies and develop character.

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Group exercises, as well as individual skills practice, compliment your child's developmental growth and provide him with many opportunities to explore his personal interests. Weekly Character Connections develop strong, positive character traits and boost self-esteem in every child. Growing Minds, Growing Up As children enter preschool, the Kids 'R' Kids Curriculum shifts to accommodate a more planned structure, preparing preschoolers for the academic schedules they'll soon find in elementary school. The Preschool Curriculum includes: • Child-directed learning allows preschoolers to process and self-regulate their own decisions. • Language, physical, and cognitive development focus on learning curves needed for developmental milestones. • Small group activities are planned for every child throughout each day. • Literacy and writing activities are age-appropriate.

• Activities and music balance learning and fun. • Emotional and social development takes place with peers and teachers. • Planned activities are provided for physical fitness and development. • Daily enrichment activities encourage imaginative and creative play. • Progress reports inform parents of children's daily accomplishments. • Decision-making skills support growing minds.

Our Advanced Approach Each day at Kids `R` Kids, children spend their time exploring, learning, and accomplishing new skills. The value of 'playtime' should not be underestimated in a preschool learning environment. Kids `R` Kids, through decades of working with and observing children, understands that as children work and play in well-designed learning stations, they learn to make good choices because there is purpose in their play.

Your child learns critical developmental skills throughout each of our learning stations. Here are just a few examples of what each learning station offers your preschool child. Continuing to nurture your preschooler`s mind, the Kids 'R' Kids Pre-Kindergarten program is filled with enjoyable activities for any student. This is the next stop on your child`s way toward elementary learning. Here children become students, and learning is driven by student development and imagination. Our program meets nationally ranked standards, has literature-based themed units, and incorporates all learning styles.

The program`s goal is to help each student succeed to his or her fullest potential, which is why each unit of study was developed with the student-learner in mind. Pre-Kindergarten activities include hands-on groups in small and large formations, independent study, and realistic application. The learning stations and curriculum were designed to help introduce and build student comprehension. Through independent and cooperative learning strategies, students are able to apply thought, imagination, and creativity into their education experiences. This program is broken down into 3 categories: academic concentration, individual and group connections, and station enhancements. The academic concentrations are comprised of whole group learning sessions where students will receive initial introduction to subject matter. Our individual and group connections help students apply what they have learned, and focus on building individual comprehension.

Learning Outside the Box We understand that for many busy and working parents it is challenging to find an enriching atmosphere for before and after school care. Kids 'R' Kids has developed a truly innovative program for Before- and After-School Care, School Holidays, and Summer Camp. We instill a continued love of learning for children 5 through 12 years old. We are also excited to offer homework help, supervised activities, and child-directed play to pique your child's interests in a safe, friendly, and clean environment. A Breath of Fresh Air Our Before- and After-School Program focuses on making learning fun. We welcome the Before- and After-School children to an environment with plenty of opportunities to unwind and just enjoy being a kid!

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From our large activity room to the spacious outdoor playground designed especially for the older child, Kids 'R' Kids meets all the requirements to captivate and satisfy the needs of the school-aged child. Helping Hands, Helping Hearts At Kids 'R' Kids, your child can relax, knowing that he belongs in a loving, supportive environment and is encouraged to create lasting friendships and connections with his teachers and classmates.

Our “Hug First, Then Teach” philosophy still holds true in the Before- and After-School Program. Kids 'R' Kids fosters loving kindness, respect, and understanding in every facet of our approach. The Benefits Our Before- and After-School Program has many incredible features: • We Open Early!

Kids 'R' Kids opens at 6:00 a.m. In many locations which serve the varying shifts of working and busy families.

• The Kids 'R' Kids Homework Help Club is designed to relieve some of the stress homework may bring to your child and fosters a sense of support and encouragement. Our teachers are available for necessary homework help. This promotes a healthy beginning, middle, and end to another successful school year and adds more quality time for your family. • The Discovery Zone presents exciting aspects of earth science and the environmental needs of our communities. From identifying rocks to learning about the benefits of recycling, your child will see how she can learn about the earth and make a difference for future generations. • The Nova Zone addresses artistic expression that appeals to the theater buff in your child. He can perform a short play, write a puppet show, or help direct a musical.

• The Open-Air Zone provides trivia games, group activities, and board games for kids who love a challenge with an added twist of fun. It is a wonderful social experience your child will never forget. • The Construction Zone offers an array of sought-after hobbies which have never been so much fun. Here, your child can explore cooking, baking, crafts, and various other teacher-supervised activities to expand her knowledge.

• The Media Center brings change to our world with technology! To keep your child on the leading-edge, we offer the newest and most advanced games the educational media offers. • Health and Fitness - Recent studies show that our society, through the comforts of technology and fast food, enables childhood obesity, which has reached epidemic proportions. Kids 'R' Kids knows how important physical activity is to any child's development, and that's why our center includes the Stretch and Grow program. The unique Health and Fitness Program provides all the tools for kids of all ages to learn and enjoy how to be healthy.

Throughout this curriculum it emphasize healthy bodies, the food pyramid, family style dining, and physical fitness. Also, we offer Happy Feet, which is a soccer program for young children. It stresses basic soccer skills, the importance of fair play, team cooperation, and physical well-being. • Computers - Knowing that our future continues to involve the technology of computers, Kids `R` Kids understands the importance of providing your child with the latest in electronic lessons and games to support the educational themes taught in school. During our 10-week summer camp series, campers explore their hidden talents, potential passions and intriguing interests.

Each boy and girl will experience art and cooking, engineering and community service, and everything in-between! This summer camp is all about the journey to discover what suits each camper's personality - the quest to discover what they like best. NOW REGISTERING FOR AGES 5 –12! You're Really Going to “LIKE” this! While campers explore various camps and form meaningful connections with fellow campers, we invite families to join in the fun by following our weekly adventures across social media! Search and Share #KRKCAMP17 Building Towards the Future Ever wanted to be an inventor, or just figuring out how things work?

Gadgets and things are what this minicamp is all about. Campers will have opportunities to explore robotics, experiment with simple machines, and develop original engineering projects.

The Sky's the Limit Campers will set up their own mission control to plan a space adventure to the great beyond, while communicating with command central to plot a course to a distant imaginary planet. All the World's a Stage Campers will have the opportunity to create their own dramatic production. Whether it's a play, a dance, or a talent; the sky is the limit! Put on Those Dancing Shoes Campers are invited to bring their best dance steps for a week of rhythm and original movement.

They will learn cultural dances from around the world as well as some close to home. In Pursuit of 'The Good Life' Thrive and be well! Campers will discover ways to stay fit, healthy, and happy as they delve into healthy living, good nutrition, and opportunities for physical activity. Community Connection Bring pets, plants, and people together as campers merge their minds in developing and implementing ways to coexist with dignity, respect, and love. Making Magic Happen Hocus Pocus! Campers will enter a world of imagination to create, explore, and mesmerize onlookers with remarkable creations! 'Artful' Displays of Talent Campers will become mini Picassos by recreating original masterpieces by famous artists.

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They will learn about different types of media, various artistic techniques, and how art is infused in our everyday lives. Food-Focused FUNdamentals Campers will learn about cooking techniques, reading recipes, measurements and conversions, and how to prepare quick, easy meals at home. Making a Difference Campers will learn the importance of giving back to the community while participating in community service activities, organizing local drives for those in need, and kicking off a giving campaign for a charity of their choice. We would love to share with you how many families and children are being impacted through Kids R Kids. 'Jett struggled with food allergies in his first day care.

Now with Kids R Kids, I feel confident with his care.' Jenni 'With the Kids `R` Kids foundation, our son is ahead in elementary school now.' Derrick & Monica 'We are amazed at the independent skills our toddler is learning, and with our second child on the way, she will soon be here, too.' Cory 'Kids 'R' Kids is another home for my girls. Since my husband passed away, they have been so understanding and an extra support to us all. I so appreciate our Kids 'R' Kids family.' Christa 'My twins are unique, and Kids 'R' Kids adapted programs to meet their needs.'

Susan 'Abbie did not have a pre-school experience, so for Madison, we chose Kids `R` Kids.' Nick 'Kids 'R' Kids became an extended family for my son when I was diagnosed with leukemia.' Stephanie 'We were the first family enrolled at our local Texas Kids 'R' Kids school over nine years ago.' Bart and Lisa.

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Our Kids 'R' Kids curriculum is founded upon the educational theories of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Sara Smilansky. These three educational theorists guide our decisions for age appropriate learning experiences for children. Our schools are designed so that children learn through peer and teacher interaction in a creative and safe environment as put forth by Vygotsky's theories of the development of the young mind. Our curriculum scaffolds teaching strategies for every classroom age grouping using Piaget's framework of proposed stages in a child's developing ability to learn. Finally, we believe in Smilansky's teachings of learning through play. Our curriculum includes a plethora of playtime both outside and in the classroom, giving the children the freedom to create and explore their world. All of these child development theorists agree young children learn best by taking an active part in constructing meaning from the world around them.

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Another proponent of educational constructivism is the Montessori method of teaching. Though similar in philosophy to Vygotsky, Piaget, and Smilansky's methods, the Montessori approach to education has some unique differences. Listed is a comparative chart between Kids 'R' Kids' teaching philosophy and those attributed to the Montessori teaching method for young children.